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 Politics Archive 2018

Steve Bannon has been subpoenaed
by Nathan'ette Burdine: January 16, 2018

Welp, Steve Bannon has been subpoenaed. According to The New York Times, Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued a subpoenaed to Donald Trump’s former chief strategist last week.

The news about the subpoena comes after the release of Michael Wolff’s book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House and on the day that Steve Bannon is testifying before the House Intelligence Committee about the Trump campaign allege involvement with the Russians.

The good news for Bannon is that he came on the campaign late in August 2016 after Paul Manafort was given the boot.

Bannon took over as CEO of the campaign while Kellyanne Conway took the role of campaign manager.

Manafort is now a convicted felon due to his lying to the FBI and his money laundering.

Although he has not been charged with a crime for any collusion with Russia, the June 2016 meeting with Don Jr., Jared Kushner, and those Russians at Trump Tower may soon change that.

Bannon spoke to Wolff about Don Jr.’s, Manafort’s, and Kushner’s June 2016 meeting with the Russians.

Bannon told Wolf that Don Jr.’s behavior was “treasonous” and that he never should have let “those jumos” of a Russians in.

Recognizing that his mouth had written a check that his ass couldn’t cash, Bannon issued an apology to the Trump family.

Unfortunately for Bannon, his apology was DOA (dead on arrival). Donald Trump had given him the nickname “Sloppy Steve” and blamed him for letting the wolf, Michael Wolff, into his den to get what Trump sees as more “fake news” to peddle to the masses.

The Mercer’s cut Bannon off and he stepped down from his role as executive chairman of the board at Brietbart.

Knowing Bannon, he is going to do what George Papadopoulos did which is to turn state’s evidence.

Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci told folks that Steve Bannon leaks and he is the type of guy who tries to “suck his own dick.” Yep, “The Mooch” described Bannon right down to the T.

And considering the fact that the Trumps, the Mercers, and Brietbart have all cut off Bannon, Bannon is going to do what a guy who tries to “suck his own dick” will do; which is to tell everything he knows about Trump in order to get back at him.

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